Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where it all began..

It was right after Asshole and I had our first child. I was about 3 weeks post partum and wanted nothing to do with sex, cuddling, spooning.. Whatever... All I wanted was my sleep! I told him to go watch a porn or something and go rub one out. I was a new mother and being the only one who got up with D, I was tired.

Well I noticed Asshole on myspace a lot at night and while I was out of the house. At first I didn't think much of it and just brushed it off. Well one day Asshole left his myspace open and ran to the store. And you guessed it, I started snooping Investigating. I looked in his inbox and sent box and noticed all of these messages to and from big black bitches. I was completely appalled by what was said. Yeah I might have been a little over weight, but that is because I had gained 57 god damn pounds in 9 10 fucking months. Give me a fucking break! Anyways back to the story...

I copy and pasted majority of the convos and printed them out. I let it go a few days to see if anything else was going to come of it. Well, one day he just pissed me off and I let him have it. I tossed the papers at him and told him to get the fuck out of my house! I was so sick to my stomach and wanted nothing to do with him. I packed D's and my clothes and went to my dads for the night.

After countless phone calls of "I'm sorry" "It was completely wrong of me to do this" etc... I came back home. We talked and both cried. I told him how much of a piece of shit he was and it made me look like an even bigger piece of shit sticking with him. We did a few counseling sessions and it seemed like me leaving was changing his ways...

Little did I know...

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